Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Feeding Wesley through a Bottle

What a sweet birthday treat it was to feed Wesley from a bottle. He is still eating from a bottle once a day and it has been so fun to get to feed him. He can suck, swallow, and breathe, but does not know how to coordinate them to well right now. We are working on it. Today he took 30cc's of his 42cc's from a bottle. Way to go Wesley!


  1. Lucy, I am so happy that you had a special birthday and I am so grateful for Greg and his love for you and Wesley. (Great Job Greg) His testimony to you was so sweet! You are an amazing Mommy already. I knew you would be since you are such an amazing daughter and an example to me on so many fronts! (maybe not in cleaning up the kitchen, but all the really important stuff) I love you Lucy Bear, Mom

  2. Look at sweet Wesley! He's soooo big! I love it so much! I love praying with you and watching God at work through your blog: Wesley's improvements, the ways you and Greg love each other, and point us all to Jesus. What a privilege. :) Love y'all--Meg

  3. That is awesome Lucy! If you want to, or you get a chance call me this week or soon so we can hang out!
